ForestDisc - Forest Discretization
Supervised, multivariate, and non-parametric
discretization algorithm based on tree ensembles learning and
moment matching optimization. This version of the algorithm
relies on random forest algorithm to learn a large set of split
points that conserves the relationship between attributes and
the target class, and on moment matching optimization to
transform this set into a reduced number of cut points matching
as well as possible statistical properties of the initial set
of split points. For each attribute to be discretized, the set
S of its related split points extracted through random forest
is mapped to a reduced set C of cut points of size k. This
mapping relies on minimizing, for each continuous attribute to
be discretized, the distance between the four first moments of
S and the four first moments of C subject to some constraints.
This non-linear optimization problem is performed using k
values ranging from 2 to 'max_splits', and the best solution
returned correspond to the value k which optimum solution is
the lowest one over the different realizations. ForestDisc is a
generalization of RFDisc discretization method initially
proposed by Berrado and Runger (2009)
<doi:10.1109/AICCSA.2009.5069327>, and improved by Berrado et
al. in 2012 by adopting the idea of moment matching
optimization related by Hoyland and Wallace (2001) <doi: